Unable to create a report with all forms & fields


I am unable to create a report of the system using all the Case forms (and the fields in the forms) thus limiting the scope of reports that can be generated in the system.

For example when creating a report (record type>cases); I am only presented with a select few datafields from the following forms (action plan, client feedback, consent, case closure, referral & other reportable fields).

Can this list be updated to draw from survivor information form in cases also?

Many thanks.

Kind regards

Hey Elfriede,

Yes this can be updated. Which forms do you need to be added to report on within the cases? And which instances need this update?


Hi Jan,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Can it be updated to draw from all the data points from the ‘survivor information form’ and the M&E form in the cases section?

Can this change be made to all the live V2 instances, including the upcoming Sierra Leone government instance?

Many thanks.

I only have access to https://demo-gbvims-global.primero.org/ which I checked and saw that the fields are all there from the survivor information and M&E form. The only parts that are not in there are the 2 subforms from the M&E form which you cannot report on through the “reports” function but rather can be exported into CSV or excel. If you are having issues seeing this on the other implementations, let me know and also add me to any demo site so I can check if you can’t see this resolved.

Hi Jan,

Thanks for this. I think I may be missing something because the fields from the survivor information and M&E form are not on the demo site when generating reports. I’ll create a video and send it to you via skype to better illustrate what I mean.
