Custom Exports in v2

The caseworker field don’t appears in “Select fields to export” when using the custom export, is this by design?

This field is on the Other Reportable Fields form, and not all users have access to it. Also, if you go to the record tab of the custom export, you will always see the full name (i.e. their real name, not their username) of the user who owns the record.

How do I select more than 1 form when creating a custom export?

When selecting a custom export, you must first select the module you are doing the export for (it should default to CP for CPIMS+). Then you select the “Format” and choose if you are exporting only forms or only specific fields. Once you select “forms” you will be able to select multiple forms that you would like to export within your instance and it will look like this:

You are required to create a password to generate the custom export which requires at least 8 characters and which will be used to open the custom export file.

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