Dates are removed after adding flags

Hi there,

I would like to seek your kind support for the below issue:

One of the partners has mentioned that sometimes after supervisors adding flags, some dates such as the date of registration are automatically removed from the system.

Note: this issue is happening only with one partner.

Thanks in advance.

Which partner is experiencing this? We will try and re-create this issue.

Hi Jan,
This issue is happening only with VOP organization!

Thanks Mohammed. I tried recreating this issue but am not able to recreate it successfully. It would be great if you and I could get on a call to investigate what may be happening at your convenience. I will send you a separate message to set this up.

The Iraq CPIMS+ was upgraded from v1.7.11 to v1.7.30. Issue has been resolved after the upgrade to the latest version of v1.7.