Email Configuration

I need email smtp settings for setting up the email functionality in cpims v1.6

Going by
cookbook/templates/default/mailers.yml.erb primero defaults to use sendmail if the smtp is not configured.
Here is a guide to set up sendmail on ubuntu

In config/mailers.yml.example there is this

#  :delivery_method: :smtp
#  :smtp_conf:
#    :address: ''
#    :port: 587
#    :domain: ''

so add your smtp server there and remove .example from the file name.
@shettyajit9 also see SMTP Server and Email Functionality to test the config out

If you are expecting email notifications, those need to be enabled in the JSON as well, the UNICEF SMTP server needs to be configured in Chef, and the server needs to be tested to verify that UNICEF ICTD set up the SMPT access rules correctly.

You can set if the users receive email notifications for when they initially sign up in the system, for case plan approvals, transfers request, case plan and closure approvals and approval requests. This setting will only work when an email is entered for a user. The welcome email can be edited and set as a system as a whole and is a standard template. To send email notifications you can do this by going to:

  • Settings

  • System Settings

  • Send Email Notifications?

  • Send Welcome Email (checkbox)

The welcome text for the email will be there. This email also allows users to change their password.