Family Tracing and Reunification

Once I saved a tracing form, why didn’t the find tracing match button show up?

Once you fill out the inquirer form and tracing form, click “Find Match”. Watch this video to understand how this functionality works:

What is the point of the matching tab if it just tells you to go to the tracing page?

It is how the UI was set up for the list views. The only way to get a match on the matching tab is to go to a tracing request a click “find match”. The system can only give potential matches between adult and child – the case worker needs to then do the tracing and subsequent verification. Tracing means that we need to find the adult and start the verification process.

What if you approve a match and it’s wrong, can people still search for that child even if they’re been matched?

Yes the system doesn’t stop the child from being ‘rematched’. Until the match has been traced and verified, it should not be assumed that it’s correct, so child should still be able to show up for potential matches.

When do you consider a case “verified” for tracing?

This is when the inquirer/caregiver looking for the child has positively identified a child they are looking for and then the FTR manager would conduct the tracing/reunification process. Verification means that an assessment has been made that the caregiver and the child identified through the tracing progress are indeed related (parental link for example) and so the relationship between the two has been verified by the case workers – sometimes this involved legal entities, government, etc as well.

*If a case is marked as “reunified” is that assumed the same as closed? If a case is not reunified, but is closed, is it assumed the case was not “reunified”?

Even if the case is reunified, the case worker should continue working with the child after reunification. So should not be confused or assume that one links to the other necessarily. If a child has been separated for a long time for example, reunification may be a long process, to support the child and family to ‘learn’ to live together again – this is also to make sure that no additional issue arise (for example the child is treated well within the home they are being reunified into).

Do you use these statuses for analysis to see how successful tracing and reunification efforts have been?

Yes, we can pull reports on this information.

The Tracing Request form – the name information is that about the inquirer or the child?

It depends on the new forms, there is a child missing form and information provided by the child.

How do you determine a “possible” or “likely” match – what’s the criteria for that?


Primero gives potential matches a score based on how similar they are to the tracing request compared to other potential matches Primero has found. This means that, if scoring were done on a 1-10 scale, the lowest potential match in a list would get a score of 1, the highest would get a 10, and the median match would get a 5. A high scoring match Primero will record as “Likely” and a medium-to-low scoring match, Primero will record as “Possible.”

When looking at the potential matches for your tracing request, you can see which case attributes matched your tracing request by clicking on the score label (Likely or Possible). This will reveal a modal which compares a number of case attributes side-by-side with the attributes you gave your tracing request. Attributes which are the same get a ‘:heavy_check_mark:’, attributes which are different get a red ‘X’, and attributes which were left blank on both the case and the tracing request get a ‘-’.

What do you recommend in terms of a photo or audio clip? Is there stock guidance for this?

Photos can be super useful, especially for very young children, and in acute emergency/high displacement settings we often use photos as a quick way to identify children on behalf of parents. Photos and names of children should never be shown to adults together. Also photos can be useful to avoid duplicate entries, but that’s not the main purpose.

When you train on this, do you let people do this in a live scenario- like give everyone identity cards to fill out and find their matches?

Yes - with case studies, asking participants to enter children and adults and find matches.