Forms not showing up on the mobile

I checked the following forms and they are all clicked to show on mobile, so I am not sure of the issue.

The following areas are inactive on the mobile version


  • Is survivor a person with disabilities


  • Was the incident a Harmful Traditional practice?
  • Incident location ( this gives option for villages leaving out Zones, case of Imvepi with 3 zones with matching villages)
  • ALLEGED PERPETRATOR; Age group of the alleged perpetrator, Alleged perpetrator’s relationship with survivor, Main occupation of alleged perpetrator
  • Who referred the client/survivor to you


  • For example referral services; Health services: If rape was the client given PEP
  • When appropriate did you refer the survivor for this service

Hi! I have run into some issues with forms on mobile for v 1.5.17. The referral form (under cases) is not showing up on the mobile GBVIMS+. Additionally, the guiding questions and help text that appears when GBVIMS+ is accessed using a computer does not appear on the mobile version (specifically, on an Android). Can you please help me?

Thank you!


You (or your administrator) need to make sure that the tick box is checked to make the form visible on mobile - as shown

you then should update the forms on the mobile device
The help text and guidance does not (currently) appear on the mobile version