Issues with Jordan CPIMS+ v1.7

Kindly note that we face several issues with Jordan CPIMS+ V1.7 as below :

  1. The system is very slow even though we use a good internet connection and we try different browsers “Chrome, Edge and Mozilla Firefox” with the same issue and sometime give the error “504 Gateway Time-out”
  2. The team leader “zalakrmawi” dashboard doesn’t work since July 18th, its shows the error “500 server error” after investigation its looks like there some conflict between the accounts of
    a. zalakrmawi with role “IMC Team Leader” and user groups “IMC-Amman, IMC-Amman-G1-UNICEF, IMC-Amman-G2, IMC-Amman-G2-UNICEF, IMC-Jarash, IMC-Jarash-G1-KSR”.
    b. agaith with role “IMC Case Worker” and user groups “IMC-Amman, IMC-Amman-G1-UNICEF”.
    c. salsharif with role “IMC Case Worker” and user groups “IMC-Amman-G2, IMC-Amman-G2-UNICEF”.


Dear Yazan, we are looking into this now. I will update you within the day.

The server is back online. Can you check if everything is working as expected?
The webserver was broken, needed reinstalling, reconfiguration and regeneration of the ssl certs.

The system now is faster however we still have the same issue with user “zalakrmawi” dashboard

Hi Yazan, could you ask the user to check again? We believe this issue may be solved now and if not, may need to coordinate with you a time to troubleshoot this issue.

the user confirm that the issue has been resolved