Not able to edit cases after attaching photos/documents

Hi there,

I would like to seek your kind support for the below issue:

One of the partners mentioned that their caseworkers can’t edit the information of cases after attaching documents/photos to that cases.

Note: this is happening only with one partner.

Thanks in advance,

Which instance is this and for which partner?

Hi Ian, this is for Iraq CPIMS+ v1.6.

Mohammed, if you could provide details on the partner, and if this is on the mobile or the web application? Thanks!

Hi Jan,
The problem happened on the web application! and it happened with some of their caseworkers.

Hi Mohammed, I have been trying to replicate this issue with large videos and document uploads but am not successful. Could you kindly ask the case workers to send a screenshot the next time this occurs? Also, if you could ask if the whole case file is uneditable or only the documents/photos upload form? Happy to also get on a call to help troubleshoot with them if that is helpful which I can do this week, just let me know!

The Iraq CPIMS+ was upgraded from v1.7.11 to v1.7.30. Issue has been resolved after the upgrade to the latest version of v1.7.