Referral Fields and Workflows in CPIMS+

There are many fields that are linked to functionality within the CPIMS+. This guidance is meant to support you in understanding how some of those transitions work. Please note that the wording varies according to implementation.

  1. Type of response (service_response_type) - this is used in the status bar. Once a case worker adds a services subform, it will move the workflow status bar to “Service Provision”
  2. Type of service (service_type) - the case worker must select the type of referral they are sending. This will ensure the correct partners are showing under “Implementing Agency” and “Service Provider Name”
  3. Type of referral (service_referral) - this indicates if the case worker is sending to another Primero user (internal) or someone not using the system (external)
  4. Implementing Agency (service_implementing_agency) - the agency providing the service (these are agencies using Primero)
  5. Service delivery location (service_delivery_location) - the location of the user (based on the user profile) providing the service (these are the agencies using Primero). Once a location is selected, only users in this location will show in “Service Provider Name”
  6. Service Provider name (service_implementing_agency_individual) - the user name of the user (based on the user profile) providing the service (these are users using Primero)
  7. Referred? (service_status_referred) - if you select “Refer”, this is automatically checked. You can see this at 3:00:
  8. Is this a referral to an external system/user? (service_external_referral) - If this referral is to someone not using Primero, select this check box
  9. Service Provider (service_provider) - user can type in the service provider name (if external to Primero)
  10. Implementing agency (service_implementing_agency_external) - user can type in the service provider agency (if external to Primero)
  11. Service location (service_location) - user can type in the service provider location (if external to Primero)
  12. Implementation details (service_implemented_header) - just a separator which the referral completion fields display under
  13. Service implemented (service_implemented) - is autocompleted once the service is completed and the date is entered under “Service Completed Date”
  14. Service completed (service_implemented_day_time) - the date the service was provided. When all service subforms are completed, then the status bar will move to the step “Service Implemented”
  15. Notes on the referral from provider (note_on_referral_from_provider) - when the case worker marks the referral as “done” they will fill out a “Notes” section on the referral text box. You can see this at 5:33: