Primero Interoperability Solutions - Cambodia Solution Video & More Info

Hi everyone! I’m from the OpenFn team, who has been partnering with UNICEF and Primero teams in a couple of different countries to deliver “workflow automation” solutions that enable interoperability between Primero and other digital systems.
In Cambodia, we recently collaborated with UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSVY) to implement automation that exchanges data between the local Primero CPIMS implementation with a dashboard used for monitoring key program indicators.

:movie_camera: Check out this video overview to learn more, especially if your organization also interesting in connecting Primero with external reporting and analytics tools, partner case management apps, and any other external digital system.

:zap: Also, check out these slides for more generally on how the OpenFn workflow automation platform (a Digital Public Good) can be implemented alongside Primero to automate workflows like exchange case information, sending referrals to a partner system, or reporting to external systems.

:bar_chart: Below is a snapshot of the dashboard fed automatically with data from Primero. In-country teams hope that this solution will strengthen case management and data use.