Adding a logo or changing the colour of Primero

Can we add a logo (for example, adding a government partner logo) or change the colour of Primero?

Yes we encourage the addition of a logo to Primero and make it easy to do so on the user interface. Unfortunately we are unable to change the colour of the interface at this time.

Hello @jpanchalingam,
I have managed to complete the production setup of primero and now I want to change the logo. It would be really great of you if you please gide me through this.
I have been trying to change the logo but all my efforts are getting wasted as how much ever I try my logo is not changing.
Following are the steps I performed.

  1. On the server machine on which production setup is deployed, I changed the actual logo file (logo.png) present in /srv/primero/application/app/assets/images/logo.png.
  2. Restarted all the services
    But yet the logo doesn’t change.

I don’t want to redeploy the entire production setup again with new logo. I just want to make changes in my existing production setup as redeploying the entire production setup with changes doesn’t seem to be a proper solution.

Please help me out with it. Thanks in advance.

If you want to change the logo for an agency then you can do that as explained in a comment on this thread How can I quickly set up Primero - #5 by irlawrence
If you want to replace the main Primero logo itself then you need to do something like

sudo -Hu primero bash
cd ~/application
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake app:assets_precompile

and then restart the services. The default logo is logo.jpg and not logo.png b.t.w